Wednesday, May 26, 2010


On a glories morning, I sit in front of my laptop while all my seniors in my room went out for their industrial training in SMT Gombak. It was silent and only the chirping of bird can be heard from my ears.

Huhu...wireless network was so bad. Never mind, i took my holy quran and recite. Then, I started doing my assignment, then continued with my daily routine before going to my class; ironing, washing, taking my breakfast and bla..bla..bla..

I also planned to prepare my presentation on HRM subject about study case "The Matter of Turnover at Orient West Airlines". Huh! Quite busy since we were going to the end of short sem. My mind crowded thinking about the presentation only. What question would be come out?

Oh is the most dangerous session and my group must be well prepared with any possible thing could be happened either questions from our lecturer or from the audience.

Ah! Forget about it... I try to control myself so that i'm not nervous even my presentation would be at 2.00 pm. Just tawakkal 'alallah and pray to Him to give us easiness in our presentation. Alhamduillah, thanks to Allah, i can stop my jumping heart.

"Ting!" my YM appeared on the screen. Means that, wireless network was available. Of course, no one want to be appeared at this pleasure time(the best sleeping time.hee) but only this person was available in my YM list. Who is he/she???

Suddenly, i remembered something. 26th May???!!! Oh no...I forgot to wish someone's birthday!! Is her birthday today??? I think so but not confirm yet. How come i forget her birthday??? Hurm...maybe i'm quite busy with my assignment and presentation...bla..bla..

I started my conversation with her who the only one person available in my YM list. Unfortunately, she had been sign out already... :(

 Maybe wireless network problem. Then, I check my credit balance. Dush! not enough credit to call her...message??? time does not give me to do it because i've to prepare myself for my class. i'm already late!!

So...this entry is special for her to show that i'm not foerget her birthday. Hope she will read this entry. This person is....MY BELOVED ANDAK!!!


Sanah Helwa, andak....

May Allah bless your life and hereafter

uhibbuki fillah abadan abada

thanks for being my best friend

Remember NAILOFAR'S FAMILY(along, angah, uda, achik, alang, ateh, usu and adik) always!

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